Heading to the Caribbean: Colombian coffee resumes its journey by train


The well-known Colombian coffee is once again setting the tone when we talk about production and logistics, as Colombia has once again transported this demanded product by train for the first time so far in 2024, carrying the not inconsiderable amount of 160 tons that crossed the country on April 16 from the picturesque municipality of La Dorada (Caldas) to the port of Santa Marta (Magdalena).

According to the report by the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), more than 430 tons of coffee have been transported along the railway route under the governance of President Gustavo Petro, as part of a national plan that seeks a more accelerated reactivation with the purpose of adding greater diversity to the economy of this nation.


 Colombian coffee now with a greater reach

After the reactivation of logistics activities, Colombian coffee now has a greater reach locally and internationally thanks to a means of transport as versatile as this type of train. The third load has already been completed, with 6 platforms that in turn were used to carry a series of one-ton big bags, which are finally distributed to other destinations such as the United States.

In this logistical operation, the first mile is completed using 5 tractor-trailers that travel the different roads until they reach the railway complex, from where they then begin the real journey to the distributors and end consumers. Francisco Ospina Ramírez, president of the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), commented:

“This experience, hand in hand with the National Federation of Coffee Growers, allows us to ensure that coffee is once again transported by train in Colombia, advancing in the national government’s commitment to consolidate an intermodal transport network and connect the center of the country with the ports of the Caribbean and the Pacific through a more efficient way.  competitive and sustainable.”


Colombia’s industry is positive in the face of progress.

Following the positivity about the advances that Colombian coffee continues to experience in terms of quality in its logistics, the National Federation of Coffee Growers has provided statements that are in consonance, detailing that:

“This initiative promotes more efficient logistics and represents an economically viable alternative for the coffee sector, as it contributes to the increase in exports through the Port of Santa Marta. This makes it possible to make the most of the available rail infrastructure.”

Other relevant data about this important railway corridor is that it has a length of 767 kilometers that cross the areas of Las Caldas, Antioquia, Santander, Cesar and Magdalena, in addition to the fact that it has already given excellent results, increasing the level of mobilization in the corridor’s loads by 104.6%. In this same context, it should be noted that ANI currently has the responsibility of controlling some 1,024 kilometers that connect the sections of La Dorada-Chiriguaná, Chiriguaná-Santa Marta and Bogotá-Belencito.

Among the other products that have been transported in addition to Colombian coffee, are paper, ceramics, raw materials for construction and other mass consumption products essential for daily needs.



Desde el centro del país y hasta los puertos del Caribe, el café de Colombia vuelve a transportarse en tren. Gov.Co

Café colombiano vuelve a transportarse en tren: llegará hasta puertos del Caribe. El Universal

El café también se sube al tren: 430 toneladas han sido movilizadas desde La Dorada hasta los puertos del Caribe. Forbes Colombia

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